Stumbling links

I'm a big fan of using StumbleUpon when I'm bored and feel like I've reached the end of the internet, something that happens on an almost-daily basis.

I've found some amazing sites by stumbling - FOUND Magazine, Gawker, The Pioneer Woman, and a re-make of the Star Wars opening credits. Of my 1100+ bookmarks on, most were found by stumbling.

Today's finds - craftgawker and COLORlovers were my prime finds. I have only spent a few minutes at each site, but I'm sure that when I find more than 10 minutes where I'm not trying to play catch-up with everything else on my to-do list, I'll end up lost in one of those site's depths.

craftgawker is already making me think about what I can do to possibly make some extra cash. The designs and ideas that some people come up with are just astounding and incredibly intimidating for someone like me, someone who hasn't really accepted the fact that I have, in fact, been a crafter for years and it may just be time that I take advantage of this 'talent' and make some money off of it. (And with craftgawker comes foodgawker, another site that will likely become a favourite fairly quickly.)

COLORlovers... god. What a beautiful site. Colors intrigue me - I'm fascinated at how some colors can work together so well and accomplish so much for a designer. I've used kuler as my go-to for color ideas for the last couple of years, but I think I've found a new favourite. (It's been really, really hard to write anything about this site without spelling it COLOUR. Damn Canadian spelling rules.)

So there's how I spent a chunk of my Sunday, when I wasn't occupied with my 9-month old (how the hell did that happen?) or baking bread or doing laundry. See, I can procrastinate and accomplish a lot all at the same time. Perhaps I deserve a slice of chocolate chip banana loaf for that achievement today :)

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