Almost the last minute

I've done Nano before - in 2002 and 2003. I completed my 2002 novel 'Remote Matches' after working a midnight shift on Nov. 30 (if I ever happen to get it posted here, you can see where I had let my sleep-deprived mind run amok); last year's dismall attempt at a novel, 'Haven't a Clue', was already in a mess by the time I gave up on it completely around Nov. 13. I have an excellent reason for not finishing last year's challenge, though (or at least I like to think it's a good reason) - we moved on Nov. 15 and I had a massive project to do at work. So there ;)

This year, I'm as unprepared as I was in 2002. I don't like to do outlines or character plotting or things like that. As 'Remote Matches' is the only one I've finished so far - if you can call it 'finshed' - I tend to look upon it as the gleaming example of how I should write a Nano novel. Don't prepare ahead of time, let things just flow for the first few days and then step back after day three or four and see what direction it might be heading in. I kept a notebook with me at all times that month so I could jot down plot ideas and things that popped into my head at random times when I wasn't around the computer. It helped, even if most of the time I completely ignored what I had written down and went off in a totally different direction.

I don't claim to be a professional or even that talented - I'm just interested in writing. Sure, it's something I'd love to do for a living someday, but right now, Nano is probably going to be the best way for me to sink my feet back into the quagmire that is writing. I haven't actually written anything (outside of a whack of blog entries at my other blog) since last November, and I'm slightly terrified of Nov. 1. I know it doesn't matter what I write, as long as I can crank out those 50,000 words by Nov. 30... but I will care what I've written at some point, even if it's next March or three years from now or whatever.

Right now, at this exact moment, I have this much prepared: a name. That's it. I won't even release the name till I start posting what I've written each day. I like the name and I haven't decided who's getting it (or what, for that matter). I don't have a genre, I don't have a plot... I got nothing.

I'll try to be a little more consistent in the postings here and prevent myself from moaning and groaning on my other blog, as this is my writing blog, after all.

TO DO for tomorrow:
(this section will be mainly to try to get my massive procrastinating behind away from the distractions I have around me and do some work)
-Go through iTunes playlist and purge
-Go through Nano forums for ideas/suggestions/general stuff
-Organize desk

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