Plugging away

Just over 12 days and less than 39,000 words to go. Oh, I can do it... I'll be completely exhausted and worn by the end, but I'll do it.

This year's novel is more of a challenge than I'd ever imagined. My characters are finally developing some, well, characteristics and personalities and my plot is starting to waver back towards normality, whatever that may be. I've been forcing myself to sit down every night and write for at least an hour, something I didn't think I'd actually have to do.

A friend of mine (hey, Kris!) brought up the topic of Nano in a class and the prof, a guy I've known for years, blew the idea of writing a novel in a month off. Sure, the method is a little weak, but I've said before that this crazy, hectic process is an exercise in determination. And I'm not taking it as seriously as some other people out there - this is, to me, just a month to experiment, to learn, to work out kinks with my writing.

Even if I don't finish this novel, I'm happy that I started it. I'm hoping it'll be a kick-start to my fledgling writing career... and if it's not, so be it. Not pinning all my hopes on this at all.

I've got two days off this week - in a row, again! - and 75% of Sunday and all day Monday, so lots of writing to be had, hopefully. I'm aiming to be around 35K by Monday night - somehow, with my erratic plot and very bad grammar/tense use, I'll be there.

Check out my novel here.


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