Private exposure

I tend to be a creature of habit. For example, every Sunday morning, after I put my daughter down for her nap, I grab my breakfast and flip through my usual websites. Once I'm done my cereal, I go to Post Secret to read the latest secrets. I can only do this while eating toast and drinking coffee on Sunday mornings - this has been a ritual for the last two and a half years, since I lived in northern BC. (just an aside - wow, is that an awesome looking website... my city's website is crap. Looks like a 12 year old designed it.)

I've always enjoyed reading the secrets that people send in - some I can connect with, others are just so personal and heart-wrenching that I feel kind of bad for having been let into their lives for a brief few seconds. But it's an interesting experiement in social behaviours, I think. Allow people, anonymously, to say what they really, really, really need to in a forum that allows the reader to possibly connect with their secret and maybe, just maybe, their lives will improve for having said what needed to be said.

Everyone has secrets. I do. It's human nature, I think, to try to keep a small part of yourself from being exposed for everyone to see. Humans are far to judgemental for everyone to be completely honest and open all the time. It'd be incredibly tiring and frustrating to live like that - having everyone know everything about everyone else. Although, with social networking like Facebook and Twitter, how many secrets are people really keeping these days?

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