Where were we?

After a lengthy absence, I'm back to blogging. At least at this location - I had another blog at a different address, but teh subscription to that lapsed a couple of years ago and I didn't see the ened to either move everything to this address or carry on, for that matter. And now, with what some may think is an absolute lack of time to do anything beyond necessary day-to-day duties, I've decided to start blogging again. Let's see how long this keeps up, shall we?

I'm not exactly sure who is going to be reading this - I don't know if anyone has a subscription to this blog, but I do remember several spam emails a few years ago about this blog and 'subscribers', so we'll see if they happen to pop up again. I'm sure I'll start to see people I know/have known come around sooner or later (hello Mikey!) but for now, this is probably going to be an exercise in what appears to be futility. And frankly, I don't give a rat's ass.

There's no specific theme for this blog. Off the top of my head, the only things I can forsee not discussing in my rather round-about way are nuclear physics, NASCAR and philosophy (and only because I don't understand it). But I've been wrong about thigs before and it wouldn't surprise me if I'm wrong about excluding those particular topics (imagine all 3 in one post! oooooh!).

Yeah, the place looks like shit right now. I've got a six month old baby. Suffer. There are small blocks of time during the day where I do as much as I can to keep life flowing along. Things get skipped or pushed to another day all the time. Again, suffer.

So, yeah, that's about it. I'll post random bits of this and that and see how it goes. I think this will end up being a more cathartic exercise for me than an entertaining one for you, which is good, because I haven't worked or written seriously in almost a year. I feel like that part of my brain has started to melt and if I don't do something (ie. blog), I'll go nuts. So here goes...

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