
I tend to procrastinate about almost everything in my life, with the exception of my daughter, who won't let me procrastinate when it comes to her. And as such, I'm already falling into a nasty rut with this particular blog in terms of frequency of posting. As in, I'm not that frequent about it.

I spend a fair amount of 'free time' online. That'd be time where I'm not feeding, playing with or just hanging out with my daughter. My time online is spent checking the same sites over and over and over again, usually a couple of times - each - in 10 or 15 minutes. Shockingly, things rarely change when I'm away from those sites, even for a few moments.

So, I am, right now, going to attempt to post here, on this blog, at least once a day. Even if this place becomes a massive link dump, at least I'm doing something.


I'll try to keep things from getting to dry or mundane, but I tend to be dry and mundane in real life, so it might be a bit of a stretch.

That said, here's a lovely, wonderful site to get lost in on a Saturday afternoon.

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