This is what I have to look forward to?

I don't think 10 year old boys are supposed to mock their moms in public.

Heck, I'm 32 and I'm not allowed to mock my mom in public without risking a quick whack with her purse.


Also, playing with rakes? As swords? Yeah, no.

And this is a prime example of why discipline is a good thing. It makes me wonder what parents who refuse to discipline (and I don't mean beat - I mean discipline, actual lesson learning) think when they let their kids do whatever they damn well please and then have consequences like hospital visits or the cops showing up, holding little Tommy or Susy by the collar. It boggles the mind.

But to each their own, apparently. Perhaps one day our daughter will be a well-educated lawyer, prosecuting these little hellions. One can dream :)

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